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- Anemometer Benetech GM8908 - Alat untuk mengukur kecepatan angin. Dilengkapi dengan Thermometer
Fungsi Anemometer adalah untuk mengukur kecepatan angin. Dengan anemometer kita dapat memperkirakan cuaca pada hari itu dan sebagai alat pendeteksi cuaca buruk seperti angin topan ataupun badai.
Selain itu Anemometer ideal dipakai untuk:
- Olahraga: Surfing, Sailing,
- Permainan: layang layang, RC
- Repair & Maintenance: Mengukur kecepatan dan suhu kipas CPU, AC, gerakan udara di atap dan dinding
- Riset dan analisa
Brief Description
This multifunction anemometer provides instant data such as Air Speed and Temperature in Dual Level LCD display with Backlight. This tool is small and light but with wide measuring range of wind speed from 0 ~ 30 m/s and temperature from -10 ~ 45 °C (14 ~ 113 °F).
This meter displays wind speed in 5 parameters (m/s, km/h, ft/min, knots & mph) and temperature is switchable between °C and °F. It also provides Current, Maximum and Average speed measurement and Wind Chill indication. It also displays Beaufort Wind Scale Bar Graph with corresponding wind speed level.
This weather device is an ideal tool for windsurfing, sailing and kite flying. You can also use it for industrial and home purposes such as measuring speed and temperature of CPU computer fans, air-conditioners, airflow over the roof or walls.
Do micro spot measurements
Mini and light weight
Simultaneous measure and display wind speed & temperature
Digital Thermometer with range -10 ~ 45 °C (14 ~ 113 °F)
Fast Air Speed measure range: 0 ~ 30 m/s (0 ~ 5860 ft/min)
Multiple SI units: m/s, km/h, fpm, mph, or knots
Wind speed is also displayed in a Beaufort wind scale bar graph
Display options in wind speed mode are current wind speed, maximum wind speed since power-on, and average wind speed since power-on
Wind chill is displayed in the selected temperature unit
Switchable between °C or °F
Built-in rotating vane sensor and Backlight with auto-off
Case is weather resistant (but not submersible)
Guaranteed quick response & accurate readings, no guessing errors
Auto/Manual power-off with low battery warning
Detachable neck lanyard and battery are included
Powered by 1 CR2032 (3V) lithium battery, which is included and preinstalled
Measurement units & parameters
Air Speed/Velocity: m/s, km/h, ft/min, knots, mph
Air Temperature: °C & °F
Special Functions
Wind Speed/Velocity: Current (Cu); Maximum (MAX) and Average (AVG)
Air Velocity
0 ~ 30 m/s
0.1 m/s
0.1 m/s
± 5%
0 ~ 5860 ft/min
19 ft/min
39 ft/min
± 5%
0 ~ 55 knots
0.2 knots
0.1 knots
± 5%
0 ~ 90 km/h
0.3 km/h
0.3 km/h
± 5%
0 ~ 65 mph
0.2 mph
0.2 mph
± 5%
Air Temperature
-10 ~ 45 °C
0.2 °C
± 2 °C
14 ~ 113 °F
0.36 °F
± 3.6 °F
NTC Thermometer
Operating Temperature: -10 ~ 45 °C (14 ~ 113 °F)
Operating Humidity: ≤90 %R.H.
Storage Temperature: -40 ~ 60 °C (-40 ~ 140 °F)
Current consumption: About 3mA
Power Supply: 1 x 3V CR2032 Battery (Included)
Size: approx. 105 x 59 x 20 mm (4.13 x 2.32 x 0.79 inch)
Weight: approx. 64g (2.26 oz) (battery and lanyard included)
One Set Included
1 x Thermo-Anemometer
1 x 3V CR2032 Button Cell Battery (Installed)
1 x Neck Strap / Lanyard
1 x Instruction Manual
Standard Factory Package
- Berdagang alat- alat Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
- GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
- Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
- Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
- Name : nurjamansurvey
- Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
- Email
- Telp : 081240008335
- WhatsApp : 081240008335
Untuk Pembelian dalam jumlah Banyak, Silakan Kontak Customer Service Kami untuk mendapatkan harga terbaik
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